Meeting Minutes Academic Year 2017/18
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Meeting Minutes for Friday March 9th, 2012
EGSO Meeting for Friday March 9th 2012
Attendees: Joel Sodano, Amy Mallory-Kani, Josh Bartlett, Harry Garrott, Jessie Poole, Cary Gouldin, Kaitlin Albertson, Luke Martin, Chris Jacques, and Tony Delgado
Sara’s notes from the GSO Meeting:
-Details about presidential search and faculty senate meeting are on GSO’s website.
-There is a search going on for the GSO e-board going on right now. Those interested should get involved. There is a small stipend offered.
-Assembly has a proposal in process to change constitution in regards to the role of the GSO assembly speaker.
-They are looking into opening a downtown GSO office.
-Annual Take back the Night" Thursday April 26th College of Saint Rose e-mail Christine if you wish to join.
-American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Rally May 6th at 12
-Rally for Life April 14th at 3pm and April 15th at 6pm
-End of Year Gala Dutch Apple Cruises -Friday April 27th 7pm Buffet and DJ with formal attire. Wednesday April 11th tickets available. Get them soon because it will sell out.
-Badminton tournament at The Bubble March 23rd
Americanist Reading Group
-Meeting Thursday 22nd 3:00Grad Lib regarding two events:
Americanist Roundtable on April 25th from 2-4pm in Arts and Science 122.
Speaker: Tuesday May 8th. Cristobal Silva will be visiting and giving a lecture “Geographies and Immunity”
18th Century Group
-Sophie Gee Tuesday March 20th at 1:00pm in Humanities 354
-Mike Hill’s class will be open at 7:00pm for those interested in seeing Sophie Gee again.
Social Committee
-Deadline for Oh Albany Oh Yeah is approaching. It is May 1st. Please contact Elaina Frulla if interested in submitting.
-Tents and cabin have been booked for Dippikill. More individuals could be squeezed in for the camping area. Contact the social committee if interested.
Outreach Committee
-Books for Prisoners is scheduled for Monday April 9th at Noon in the Honors Office in the Humanities Building. $200 has been received from MCAA and James Searle is currently raising other funding from faculty members. They are currently accepting non-academic books.
-The Community Writing Center project is scheduled to begin in Fall 2012. Funds are going to be requested from UAS. College essay, creative writing, and resume writing workshops are among the options for possible activities. Pat Chu is an option for a faculty member to act as champion for the project.
Conference Committee
-Chris implored everyone to get involved in putting out fliers and attending. There are opportunities for individuals who would wish to help out by moving chairs and directing attendees.
-Collaboration with the undergraduate conference will not be happening as the undergraduate will be rescheduled for later.
-James has scheduled a speaker to come to Don Byrd’s class on April 5th.
New Department Chair is Randall Craig
-Chris suggested the EGSO come up with a list of concerns and questions to give to a new chair Randall Craig. Luke suggested that the EGSO invite Brett and Randall to come to an EGSO meeting or general meet and greet event.